When you think of print, you’re usually thinking in terms of price, quantity, and turnaround time. From single-page handouts to the largest production print billboards, there’s a good chance that [...]
Although some of us don’t like to admit it, organizational IT checkups can be almost as important as a physical health checkup. In a business sense, IT health assessments can…
Many experts predicted that cybercrime rates would skyrocket in 2021, and they don’t seem to be wrong. From using COVID-19 as phishing bait, targeting health care facilities through ransomware, [...]
In part one of this series, we sat down with Huw Evans for some great insight. This time, we sat down with Charles for a slightly different perspective. Charles MacCorquodale…
Cybercriminals had a field day in 2020. If early cybersecurity reports are any indication, they will keep the party going in 2021. Ransomware operators are doubling down on attacks by…
Huw Evans has led security initiatives at IT Weapons for more than 15 years. He is an expert in the latest information security methods, which include penetration testing and [...]