Supporting Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills

Home / From the War Room / Supporting Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills
Today is an incredibly proud day for our team.  We had the opportunity to visit the amazing folks at

Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills

 (CASHH).  Today we got to deliver the fruits of our team’s annual holiday fundraising efforts. It felt pretty great to present them with a cheque for $8300 to help support the great work they do for our regional community. Each year our team picks a local/regional group to support and this year was pretty special.

Just before the 2012 holidays, one of our Client Services reps (Jennifer P) returned from leave after fighting beating cancer.  We thought it fitting to ask her to choose the organization we would support for our 2012 team fundraising activities.  She chose CASHH because they actually helped her out while she was on leave.  We were delighted by her choice.  Big fundraising organizations like the Canadian Cancer Society and Princess Margaret Hospital get a lot of exposure and support … The reality is that smaller grassroots organizations need help too.

CASHH is pretty awesome.  They are a regional  organization that helps people and their families dealing with cancer.  They link people with counseling, they coordinate and do onsite rehabilitation and relaxation therapies, they provide transportation and assistance, they help subsidize costs not covered by the usual insurance channels, and much more.  They have a volunteer community of over 500 people.  Very impressive. From Movember and raffle fundraisers held over the holidays, our team was able to raise over 4 thousand dollars.  IT Weapons matched that to generate over $8K in support of CASSH.  We are deeply proud of our team.

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