Change Your Perspective on Data Security & Disaster Recovery

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Securing company data has become the top concern for Canadian technology leaders. From power failures and supply chain problems to cybercrime and data breaches; today’s threats to your business are real.  Lost information and unplanned downtime will cost your company revenue, productivity, and customer confidence.

Unfortunately though, conversations about disaster recovery readiness and security have usually been secondary to worries about innovating for tomorrow and keeping the lights on today.  And so, investment in these initiatives often suffers a second rate status when it comes to the IT budget.

The reality is that IT leaders spend up to 85% of their attention and resources on what’s happening now and (if they are likely) planning and roadmapping for their company’s future. Think about it. It’s completely natural. Unless you are a stuntman or you live near a volcano, how much time do you spend worrying about your life insurance policy, or your family’s home escape plan in case of fire?

Sometimes people just aren’t interested in talking about (or investing in) “what if” until it’s too late. Sure, most folks will agree that DR and Security considerations are important, but think about it … Can you blame me for not worrying about floods when I live on top of a hill?

Albert Einstein once opined that, “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” So let’s stop talking about “what if”.  Because the threats to your business are real and growing.  It’s time to shift your perspective from envisioned consequences and start thinking about exciting possibilities.  Protecting your business is no longer just about firewalls and strong passwords, you need to ensure operational resilience for all your mission-critical systems and information.  Now is the time to develop and re-think your long-term Cyber Security and Disaster Recovery strategies.  And we can help.

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