Disaster Recovery: Why We Made Our Systems Fail

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Can your business continue to function without your critical data, apps and operations?

As a cloud and managed services provider that maintains mission critical systems for companies across Canada, we just cannot afford to let that happen. Companies have to come to terms with one simple fact: at some point, your data will be at risk. Machine malfunctions, human error, natural disasters, or even a virus are all situations that could arise out of nowhere, and without a disaster recovery plan, you could lose everything. We like to think of it as our data’s insurance policy, and you should too.

Simply having a DR plan in place is not going to be enough.

ou need to make sure that the plan works, and can get your business back on track fast. You need to know if you are going to be able to properly recover from a disaster, and the only way to do that is to simulate one in a controlled setting. Recently, our DR team spent a Saturday testing our recovery plan by forcing our primary systems to fail, and then running through and monitoring the backup and recovery process. While this process was resource intensive, it provided three primary benefits; practice in the event of a disaster, peace of mind that our process works, and some insight on how to improve it in the future. Run it, test it, back it up and repeat regularly. Only then can you truly guarantee your clients uninterrupted access.

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